Hey my friend, give up this crap, are you crazy?
Donīt fall into the fucking pit
State dealers, dealing
To make cash on your back

 Do you wanna live
 With a fucking seriange stuck in your arm?
 Do you wanna die 
 With insane blood implanted in your mind?

I īm with you, donīt worry, youīre not alone 
Substitute drugs are fucking lies
Medicine is using it
Run to get your suicide organised 

 Do you wanna live
 With a fucking seriange stuck in your arm?
 Do you wanna die 
 With insane blood implanted in your mind?

Hey my friend, stop this shit, are you crazy?
Youīre not alone, donīt worry, Iīm with you 
Come with me, you will see itīs easy
Get out of the fucking pit!
Get out of the fucking shit!